HM scrapers

Primary scrapers

Primary scrapers are used to clean conveyors:

Areas of application: Sand, gravel, clay, brickworks, asphalt mixing plants, plaster, cement, glass industry, recycling, compost, incineration, sand-lime brick, steelworks, coal mining, iron ore
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Secondary scrapers

For efficient conveyor cleaning:
Areas of application: Sand, gravel, clay, brickworks, asphalt mixing plants, plaster, cement, glass industry, recycling, compost, incineration, sand-lime brick, steelworks, coal mining, iron ore

Inner belt scrapers​

Like bottom belt scrapers but used on the inner belt to prevent dirt sticking and damage to the tail pulleys.

Quick-clean scrapers​

Like secondary scrapers, except the scraper can be folded/dropped down from the conveyor for cleaning without tools or aids.

Heat-resistant scrapers

Like secondary scrapers, for applications at temperatures between 65°C and 270°C, e.g. mixing drums in asphalt mixing plants.

Curved scrapers

Like standard scrapers but with a curved bar.

Heated scrapers

Like secondary scrapers, but the scraper is operated with a heater to prevent ice from forming and material from freezing on the scraper.